Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Music wall with Vinyl!

For the first real post on this new blog I think I will start with a project that has been on the to get done list for quite some time.  Vinyl on my daughter's wall.  Her passion is music.  She plays piano, violin and viola.  When she started violin about 1.5 - 2 years ago her teacher said she had never had anyone pick it up so quickly - she totally skipped that squeaky stage - yay for me!  So she soon decided she needed another challenge and wanted to learn viola.  Since she was due for an instrument upgrade, because the old one was too small, we decided to go with a 5 string violin.  With the 5 string she can play either viola or violin on the same instrument.  Viola has a totally unique clef called the Alto clef.  It is somewhat rare in that most instruments don't ever use it.  She had to learn a completely new set of notes to play viola.   So, that is the story behind the inspiration for this complicated wall art!


So, she picked the song and it is by Vivaldi.  When I told her we could do a real song I was thinking Twinkle, Twinkle difficulty and she had other ideas.  It is written in the alto clef so that it is unique, just like her and to highlight being your own kind of beautiful.

The saying and the mirrors are left over from her old room.  I redid the saying to match the purple and then used then mirrors as the bottom of the notes instead of the center of flowers.  The mirrors are etched.  I made a vinyl stencil and then used etching cream to etch the glass.  I kept the saying and value mirrors in the room because I want her to have a constant reminder through the tumultuous teen years that these are the things of value and that they are what create our inner beauty and that our outer beauty is a reflection of that inner beauty. 

We still have a few projects to go in this room.  A simple one is that I want to cover her white fan blades in a zebra print pattern and I have a headboard I want to make for her bed.  Hopefully we can start pulling those projects out of my very full project bin and get them done!


  1. First of all, "Studio K" is a winner!!! Great title! Julia's room is amazing...yes, amazing is overworked as a word, but there is no other way to describe the creativity and the end result. Good for you Krista and Julia!!!

    1. Glad you like it! I keep going up to just stare at it! I absolutely love how it turned out and more importantly the tween loves how it turned out! ;)
